Learn to Snowboard DVD How to Get Sponsored and Go Pro

February 12, 2009

What are we going to Cover?

* Introduction
* Is your riding good enough?
* Creating the Snowboard lifestyle
* 3 ways guaranteed to get you known fast!


First of all anyone reading this needs to be realistic in their aspirations about turning pro and getting sponsored. Today in the world of snowboarding things are very different than only five years ago. Today every new kid coming up the ranks in the snowboard world can do the exact same trick as the next. So what will distinguish you from everyone else? Your style! Not only do you have to be able to throw down all the tricks you see in the snowboard video’s to turn pro but you have to have amazing style. It’s your style that sets you apart from the rest of the pack. Getting sponsored by a shop may be a better idea than getting sponsored from a company for two reasons.

1. when your sponsored by a shop you have more choice of boards
2. when your sponsored by a company they OWN you.

They make you ride the board they say and do what they say or the next eager kid is going to take your spot in a heart beat. I don’t believe your goal in snowboarding is to get sponsored and to go pro. Even though that may be the goal for some of you I think that what you really want is an opportunity to snowboard as much as possible. Since I believe this is the case for most of you I will show you how you can accomplish both of these goals. Snowboarding today is very business driven so if you do make it as a pro and get sponsored make sure you know what your getting into. You have to ride days you don’t feel like it, shoot the last shot when your not up to it, make sure you don’t curse yourself being a pro these days is no easy job. Just remember the most important thing is why you ride and that’s to have fun!

Is Your Riding Good enough?

Obviously if you want to get sponsored and turn pro you need to be pretty damn good at snowboarding, especially these days when every kid on the block can throw down any trick at will. Be realistic with your riding skill level, you know weather your good enough. The biggest mistake most kids make is pursuing an unrealistic goal. If you want to become a professional snowboarder. You have to ride everyday!

If your not good enough at the moment than don’t sweat it because you’ve just bought yourself the best snowboard coaching training program in the world. I say this with 100% confidence because as far as I know nobody else in the world teaches this complete snowboard training system except me (now it’s up to you to start dryland training, mentally training, and doing the focused exercises I’ve outlined. The more you practice the better you’ll get and FAST). So now it comes down to how bad you want it and how much your willing to practice! Snowboarding is just like any other sport it takes practice to get good and complete dedication to be the best. If your serious about improving your skill you need to dedicate yourself to pretty much year round practice and a strong will to do what it takes to make it in this cut throat industry. I’ll give you a tip though, the more you utilize your mental game in your riding the faster you will become better. Snowboarding is all in your head the key to stomping every trick lies between your two ears and mental rehearsal is the key to unlocking your ability. So now that you realize you not only need to be good but DAMN GOOD if you want to get sponsored begin practicing and dedicating yourself to becoming the rider you know you can be! The more you practice the better you’ll get but remember to take it slow snowboarding is a way of life chances are you’ll be doing it when your 40 so don’t be foolish and kill yourself trying something you know you can’t do. Build upon your skills keep practicing and you’ll see incredible results!

The Snowboard Lifestyle

As I said in the introduction to this book I don’t believe your goal is to get sponsored or even to go pro. I believe that you love snowboarding as much as I do (which is a hell of a lot) and you want to do two things. The first is you want to be able to snowboard pretty much year round or as much as possible. The second is you want to have the ability to do all the tricks you see on the snowboard videos. Am I right? Well if this is the case for you don’t even worry about getting sponsored because if you can create what I call the snowboard lifestyle you will be having so much fun getting sponsored will be the last thing on your mind. Ironically if you do create this lifestyle chances are that you’ll be good enough to get sponsored in a couple years anyway and by that time you may decide your having way too much fun to change anything.

So what do I mean by “snowboard lifestyle”. I mean creating a lifestyle which allows for one thing MAXIMUM TIME ON A SNOWBOARD and since snowboarding is expensive this can be quite difficult to do. Here are some of the best way to create this lifestyle. If you are still in high school or younger obviously the best thing for you to do is to buy a pass at your local hill and ride as much as possible. It’s also a lot of fun to set up a little jib park in the city using rails, tubes, tables, whatever you can find to make a nice little jib park be creative I know you’ll find lot’s of things you can have fun with. If you’re a bit older the best way I know how to maximize your riding time is to either move to a city where there is amazing riding near by for instance whister, Canada. There are hundreds of world class resorts around the world browse the internet choose a place where you want to ride and get up and move to the city. The other thing you can do is work right on the resort. Resorts have many jobs but you need to apply very early to get in at most places. The only problem is you’ll be working a lot so you’ll pretty much only ride weekends but hey it’ll be world class riding for free!

You can also get your snowboard instructors and work right on the hill but again you’ll mostly be teaching but you’ll be riding all day long J There are many other ways to create a snowboard lifestyle the key is to do what’s right for you and to create that lifestyle somehow. There are many ways to do it so if your serious about getting good than you must figure out a way to create it. Trust me working at or near a resort is a heck of a lot of fun and your riding will explode because of the terrain and the other talented riders that will push you.

3 Ways Guaranteed to Get You Known Fast!

So now that your good enough and you’ve put your time in to get REALLY good at snowboarding it’s time to get your name out there. There are endless ways to do this but here are 3 best ways that will at least get your foot in the door. The rest is up to you.

1. Make a video. Put together a very solid riding part of just you and maybe a couple friends who are also looking to get sponsored. Make sure this video has some very good riding showing lot’s of creativity and all around solid riding. Once you’ve shot this video you need to market yourself. The most likely places to give you a sponsorship are your own local shops so start there first. Drop off your video and talk with all the snowboard shop owner’s in your town. The chances are you’ll at least get a discount on your next purchase. Also use the power of the internet and send your video to as many companies, reps, pretty much anyone with any kind of pull it couldn’t hurt right.

2. Enter as many competitions as possible. Competitions are becoming more and more frequent all around the world. The more competitions you enter the better you’ll get and the more well known you’ll be. Especially if your winning them. Find out what competitions are going to happen near you during the season and make a point to enter as many as you possibly can. Don’t worry about placing first or last just go out there and have fun, your skills will develop as you continue your progress. Always have a positive mindset when riding losing a competition isn’t the end of the world it’s just another chance to get on the board so go out there give it your best and have a good time.

3. The third one is by far the most important and it is stay positive and ride for yourself! As I said before there are tons of talented riders just waiting to move up the ranks in the snowboard world so your attitude and personality are going to play a huge part in weather or not a company wants to take you on. If you maintain a positive attitude and genuinely appreciate everyday you have on the hill then you will gain much more respect from other riders and industry reps. Companies these days have hundreds of kids to choose from so what makes you so different? Remember your attitude and personality can very well be the turning point in their decision to sponsor you or not.

Conclusion Enjoy the Ride

By now you should have a good idea what it takes to get sponsored and go pro. Obviously in the ever growing world of professional snowboarders today to realistically go pro you need to have some serious skill. Also make sure to consider weather or not your goal is to get sponsored and go pro OR if it’s to create your own snowboard lifestyle which is much easier. Strapping in my bindings and looking at the next hill, jump, or rail gives me a rush every single time snowboarding to me is the most fun thing to do in the world. Don’t let your pursuit of being the best eat away at the pure joy of the sport. Injuries happen you never know when you’ll be strapping up for the last time. Every day on the snowboard is an amazing experience always remember to enjoy it!

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learn to snowboard

learn how to snowboard video

If you want hours of personal coaching and a step by step easy as pie method for getting really good at snowboarding visit http://www.WeHelpWith.info/learntosnowboard